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Minds Eye - Unfiltered

-Confusing Mess-

Take These Thoughts
I can't seem to stop subcumbing to
coming from a loss in dialogue
walking without lamplight
through the fog
with my eyes closed and my mind drawn
she knows my life
from what she sees
and the revelations
surprise me repeatedly
I'm impressed
with the insight she brandishes
were it me i would have cracked
from the encompassing blackness
but somehow those pondscum eyes
sweep the screen
drinking in an image that I have yet to realize
knowing me better
than I know myself


There's a feeling you get
after a four day rain
when the blacket of clouds is removed
and the heat of the sun
dries the skin of the damp earth

There's a feeling you get
after going days
without hearing a kind word
or someone telling you
to keep that chin up
and it hits you, boy
that hug off a friend

it's the drying of your soul
it's the sunlight for your spirit
breaching the cloudcover
of your brainstorm


I think it's going to rain
Later it will snow
If i could make out what you're saying
I would probably run away
but not too far
just far enough to where I could quit trying to make out what you're saying
From a better distance I could see that you're still standing
The details would be unfocused enough
I wouldn't even see your mouth moving


Came in late
Took a chair in the rear
My classmates are unaware
How long i've really been there
My peers have been held back for years
Holding back the tears
Everybody know our names
Like we were the cast from cheers
Here's to the good times
Tonight is mighty special
It's high time i launched this vessel

I am dumb

11:35 pm I'm sitting here swimming

maybe i'm meant to be with men, because i'm horrible with women

inside and out upside down i've got all the charm to turn a smile into a frown

honest i don't know what i do, don't know myself to be true

everything i do, a form of abuse, every word i spit leaves a bruise

with a finger plugging that hole on my sinking rubby ducky,

looking for a girl who makes me feel lucky
