Logs of his Mischief
Alirath's Picture - Full credit, of course, goes to Fluria!!
Lunan's Life Story
Well, you came to see L'nan, and that's what you're gonna get, now!
L'nan used to have long, darkish red hair pulled back into a runner tail. Unfortunately, a young weyr-brat named Lina, who has had an intense and rather annoying crush on him for a long time, made a few mistakes one day, while trying to "tidy him up". She decided to give him a haircut, first off... he was napping away from Alirath. She butchered that. Then, deciding to wash his hair, she poured bleach on his head, turning that soft, darkred hair into coarse, white stuff. He got it fixed up a little, and here is how he looks at present, minus the earrings (sorry folks, no picture-fixer on this computer):
.Today, Alirath's grown to be pretty big and extremely fast... all in hopes of being able to show off, of course. In the mornings, Alirath enjoys basking in the rising sun's light, eerily reflecting sometimes to jolt L'nan into believing his beautiful blue has been dyed a deep, dark blood red.