Webmasters, wanna make some $$$?

Webmasters, I know advertising is'nt easy. But it is easy if you choose the right banners to display. Here is a list of sites that you can earn money with. Trust me, theses are good ones.

Click Here to become a ValueClick Member Site

Valueclick is a pay-per-click program. That means that you have to post their banner on your page, and every time someone clicks on the banner, you will get a certain amount of money. It can go up to 15¢ per click!

Next is Free-Banners.They don't offer $$$ but they offer more hits. So if you receive hardly any hits, this is the place to go.

Join the Datacom Ad Network

Another great pay-per-click program. Just like Valueclick, it offers a high of 15¢ per click program

Any Baseball fans? Sign up here for ESPN's Fantasy Baseball season. I joined this and I enjoy it very much. Sign up now. $$$ Prizes.

I really like this program. I signed up for this FREE service that makes internet more fun and more easy.

this is a website that has thousands and thousands to newsletters to subscribe to. You can subscribe to which you want depending on your interests. UFO's, Cars, WWF, Sports, auctions ect.. And best of all, All the newsletters on the website are free!!!!!

This website makes you surf the web, rate some websites and you get paid!!

I think that this is the best and the more faster way to earn fast cash. You just display some banners on your website and you get paid up to 20¢ per click