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Art of the

Middle Ages


   The Middle Ages are defined as the time period between 400 AD through around 1300 AD. The main purpose of this period's artwork was to express their faith in God. Many of the great works of art reside inside cathedrals. Even the cathedrals themselves are beautiful works of art/architechture. We do not know the names of most os the artists from this period, beacuse the goal of art was to praise God. Not profit or popularity. Illumination is another style of Medievel Art, in which writers who were hand copying manuscripts, would elaborately decorate them, so that they were very pleasing to the eye. This period can be divided into many subdivisions like:  Byzantine (400-1000 AD), Early Christian (400-700 AD),  The Carolingian Era (800-900 AD), Romanesque Period (1000-1100 AD), and finally the Gothic Period (1200-1300 AD).


Examples of Art of the Middle Ages

Abbey Church of St. Denis(Cathedral)

(1144 AD)

Hezekiah and the Water Clock (Illumination)

(1235 AD)