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I dont have much to say. I just wanted to make this page just to say that I made one. And I wish this was better but I dont know what im doing. LOL@me. But thats OK, I'm not the only one that laughs at me, so I'm use to it. But hopefully next time u come back, and i know u will because u love me so, ill have some new and different things. One more thing: Teemu Selanne is the best hockey player ever, and always will be!! I hope u like the pics I got of Teemu. I'll add more soon, because he is the man!!!

Here is Teemu showing Paul some things that he has learned over the years. And knowing what Teemu has done in the past, Paul is listening good. But it will take Paul a long time to learn all that Teemu knows!!

Well Here are some more pics of THE MAN! Teemu is getting the award for the 1998 MVP of the All-Star Game. He is the first European in history to win this award, so that tells you how great he is!!

I guess i best put a pic of me too so u all know who made this bad page. Well here i am. As soon as i get a better pic, i will change it.

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Teemu Selanne's Best Page, I Think!
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