Guilt Trip

The look in her eyes
said please won't you stay,
I brought out my monkey
come on and let's play.

She looked up at her
at the top of the stairs ,
her little wolf girl
with shaggy wheat hair.

The sad brown eyes
pulled the strings of her heart,
with each note more mournful
it tore her apart.

But she shook her head
stiffened her spine,
said sorry little girl
some other time.

Then opened the door
stepped into the dark,
closed the door on her girl
and her sweet little heart.

It's the hair in my eyes
as she wipes tears away,
standing there in the cold
biting wind and rain.

Street lights shimmer
and dance in the dark,
she stumbles to where
her icy car's parked.

Inside in the dark,
dejected forlorn,
the shaggy little girl
stands suddenly torn.

Do I wait for my Mom
in this empty cold hall,
she waited and listened
the wind made the call.

She hustled her little
fur footed form
backed down the hall
to a bed still warm.

She jumps on the bed
joins the others in a heap,
curls round in a ball
then falls fast back to sleep.

Mom feeling lost, sad and alone
thinks that her girl's still waiting at home
at the top of the stairs, in the cooling dark house
But her girl, snoring softly, 's curled up with a mouse.

Written by Colleen Wyers
For Skye McCaig

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