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A Poem for George

Echoes of the past still haunt us in the night.

A voice long since silenced; a presence lost from sight.

A Black and white Eeyore once cuddly and sweet;

Rest in quiet splendor now forever freed in peace.

No pain or sorrow trails you from earthly plane you leap

To the higher realm of heaven, in angels’ arms you’ll keep.


Run, jump and graze Georgie in pastures green and gold

Listen to the voices of those you used to know

They speak of you still often and miss you everyday

You’ll never be forgotten, though you’re so far away


The floors you left are cold and bare

The dirt smudge walls you know are there

Carpets washed, pillows too

The blanket though still smells of you


No watchdog from the bay window

To keep tabs on those who come and go

You’ve passed the torch to the younger boy     

Who carries it with abandoned joy


The nights are long and quiet now         

Not broken by your late night howl

Your snores no longer shake the walls

No patter of your wookie paws.


No bashful boy to hide your face

Or give yourself up to face disgrace

All of these have left their trace 

That time it self cannot erase.




We stood beside you and watched you go

Our hands upon you so you would know

Sweet George, you are not alone.


Your fur was soft, your body warm

We felt so lost, empty, forlorn

You bowed from life with simple grace

And left us to our human race.



We love you more George, than you’ll ever know.

George left this world on March 27 2004.

Colleen Marie Wyers