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Pictures Of My Family and Friends For You To Look At.


First, I would like to start out with one of my favorite poems, and it's not even by Uncle Walt!

Ok, this is me.

And, of course, me as a little tyke. Aw.... little old me. Wasn't I cute?
Wasn't that dress horrid?! Hey, no-one ever said my mother had taste. You should see the way she dresses today! Hello, mom!!! The seventies are over! Did you see dancing turtles on your acid trip?

As I said on the page before, here are my friends and family. Some of the pictures are bad, or old, so please bear with me and use your imagination on anything you can't see.

First up are my friends.

Ok, so this is a prank- he's really not anybody's friend, but I thought the pic was cute, so I had to incorporate it somehow.

Here we have Amber Naola Benike, a truly caring soul. She is always there to lean on and vent with. Much love to ya, Columbia.

Next is John "Frankie" Ohm. He's only the best male friend I have ever had! Though he might kill me for putting this picture on and saying this, he really is an extraordinary person. He's very creative and friendly. He's the one who got me hooked on RHPS, also.

This is Kristina Marie Keckhafer. She has been a great friend, and we have done much stuff together. If I wanted to write to you all the quotes that we have, it would take forever. So, just one.... STELLA!!!!!!

This young lady has been my friend since eighth grade. I lost contact with her, though, because my stupid ass lost her number after she moved to Carolina. Don't worry, Kel- we'll teach those preppy Francis bitches.

And this is Adrienne Lee, a great friend since seventh grade. We have spent many nights with Pizza Hut, Jolt, and Pixie Sticks. We still see each other occasionally, but we don't slurp the leftover sauce through a straw anymore.

This is my darling little Arly. Her full name is Arly Rae Rutledge. Isn't she just the sweetest? These pictures were taken at 3 months and one year, and she will soon be three(11-01-98).

This is her mother, Amy Lynette Rutledge.She is a very best friend and ex-roommate.I could not find any good pictures, so I decided to just put one of us together on here.

This is my cousin on the left. Her name is Angela Renee Timonen.She used to be one of my best friends, but I don't have very much nice to say about her anymore, so we'll leave it at that.

This is Lee Matthew Winbush. I went out with him for four years, and he is now one of my best friends on this planet.

Now, Family.
These are pictures of my grandfather. He was a handsome young man, no?

And here is daddy. It's not a terrific picture, but oh well. It's about the only one I could find.

This is at the eating portion of a birthday celebration for my mother and grandfather. Yes, they were born on the same day. Well, different years, but you get the drift.By the way, I'm the one on the far right.

And next on the dementia tour, we have Misty-Mae Daniel, my mother.

This is my niece and nephew, Desireč Farmer and Larry Farmer Jr. They are sweet little people, although Junior can grate at your nerves every once in a while :)

Go read about one of my biggest heroes and influences of all time. A lot of personal information about Theodor Geisel. BUT- be careful, you might have fun. Yes, adults can be interested- I won't tell anyone.

This page will make you want to bang your head against a wall until unconciousness sets in, but go visit anyway.

I'm not sure you really want to go here, either, but go ahead. It has some good jokes, but to let you know, there is nudity.
See the rest!

Pictures from my trip to Costa Rica
My adopted pretties
Feline poetry and pics
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Send free e-mail flowers to someone you care about here also.

To hear Donald Duck as You've Never Heard Him Before, Click Here. For Mature Ears Only.

This is a Spanking Mix. As Above, Mature Ears Only.