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*UPDATE* Well as of current waiting for to contact me back on switching are cable modem account form home user to commerical user so we can run a web server. Then I will be able to put a box in so you can see if a name is taken!

Hi as many of you have been informed by e-mail this is a horse name registry. This service is designed to make it easier to find out more about horses, make your horses name memorible because it is the only horse that has that name and overall make life easier on you!!!

To sign up an existing horses it will cost you one dollar. For horses being born after August 14th, it will cost fifty dollars to register their name. If two registry requests come in on the same day and have the same name that name will then be up for bid between the involved parties, the highest bidder gets that name! If there is ANY descrepincies on who's horse has a right to a name the registry will first be checked, and if there is still descrepincies the person who is claiming to own a name must be able to convince Me one hundred percent that they own that name. For registering a horse you need to fill out the registry form COMPLETELY! ANY incomplete forms will be dissmissed!!! (when you are done hit your back button!)

Thank you!


Registration Form

Current Registerd Names

Please check as to weather or not the name is taken before e-mailing me!