From Mrs. White's Husband

I am responding to the people with the vivid imaginations and quick assumptions regarding the cat issue. They suggested that Colleen White is a bad parent and person, and I feel that this is much more dangerous than a wet cat. On the contrary, Colleen is a fine and loving mother. She was concerned about the cats for the health reasons for 2 young children and at that time, an unborn child. Now she doesn't want our young baby to eat the stuff.

She took appropriate steps to deal with it, to no avail. Her frustration is obvious. It must also be noted that she did not trap and spray the cats. If any cats do show up, I will not hesitate to grab the garden hose! Cats are long on durability, but short on memory.

I consider myself to understand all the facts in this particular case. I am Colleen's husband and a good parent, who chooses to say no to wayward cats.

Darrell White

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