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Fantasy creatures are my specialty.. Anything weird, expressive, abnormal, or unhuman, well.. I'm usually drawing it.
I love drawing fairies. I usually make them look sad or depressed for some reason.. I guess my drawings express how I feel.
Another fairy..
The video "Push It" by Garbage inspired me to do this picture of the business/family man with the lightbulb head. And then on the side I just wrote some stuff.. Kinda like a story about the lightbulb man.
I drew this when I was totally pissed off at the world... Can ya tell??
This drawing is one I drew that a lot of people can relate to (in my opinion). Sometmies a person can be the nicest person you know, but sometimes they can be the meanest, most cold hearted person in the world..
I have no idea... I just kept drawing anything that came to my mind.. Would this be abstract??
I guess this is like another abstract one.. Cause I have no idea what I drew.
Do you like my alien?
I love asian art. If you look close, my name is on the side of the door in chinese! And I'm sure you could care less! WOW!
Uhh.. Some guy.. I don't know..
Isn't he cool? Well.. I think so.
PRIDE.. Which is something I don't have all the time when it comes to the USA, but most of the time.. Cause I have to admit, some politicians and laws can get get crooked. But I still LOVE THE USA!
Oliver... I am so obsessed with him...It's quite scary.
Well.. That's it for now, I still have lots of other drawings I will put up in the future. Once I'm done with some, I'll put them up. It's kinda weird.. I use to love drawing when I was little and in grade school and parts of middle school. But for a while I stopped drawing. I didn't start sketching in a sketchpad for a couple years. Eww... I just looked at my tv and Al Gore was on... Oh, anyways, Just this last summer I started drawing again. All the drawings you see on my page are mostly from this past summer. Now I'm drawing like CRAZY. Everything I feel I draw. If I feel sad, I'll draw something sad, if I feel weird, I'll draw something weird, and when I feel happy, well damnit I'll draw something with spunk. Heh.. Anyways, much thanks goes out to Heather for getting me interested in drawing again. I actually painted for the very first time in my life about a month ago! I've never had an art class before.. Not even in high school. Oh wait, I take that back, I had one art class when I was in 7th grade.. I had it for like a semester.. That's pretty much it. Listen to me.. I'm blabbing... Later :-)