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Well.. People are going to get sick of this section after a while, but I really don't care.. This is the section where I can get my thoughts out into the open.. E-mail me if you really feel the need to at:

First off:
What really bothers me is the media.. Especially the emphasis on appearance. I mean, why is appearance so important? Because people have superficial needs to fulfill?? Because they've been conditioned to believing that a certain look is more desirable than another? Or is it because they believe that with good looks, comes confidence? Although it has been shown as having some effect, I think that people confuse conceit with confidence. Now, instantly, I know I'm going to get the "You're not hot, therefore you think this way" Well, you know I was brought up as an outsider, basically.. Both by my parents, and by the people in my town..It was a very superficial place.. But the point of it all is this: appearance is not the most important thing about a person I have never met one person I've been physically attracted to.. (yeah, I know I'm going to get a lot of people not believing that one) but it's true.. The only thing I find attractive is a female's personality..

Well, the main thing I have a problem with about the media is how it portrays what society should look like.. The models etc. You have to look and act a certain way, or else you're nothing.. I don't agree with that.. Everyone is an individual.. Your individuality's lost on society today.. BE YOURSELF! Next Ranting:
People who believe you can't have a friend who is the member of the opposite sex without instantly wanting to start something with them. There's someone I've been hanging around with a bit lately, and she's pretty cool, but not someone I'd go out with.. But, another friend of mine asked me today if I was trying to pick her up.. Nope.. She's a friend.. *laughs* I wish it was acceptable ONCE in a while to be able to have a friend with no perceived expectations from anyone.. Oh well

Ok.. I have a new ranting..
Since my girlfriend and I broke up, I haven't really been caring much about people.. Then I meet someone a couple nights ago at a club in town here.. We were talking for a while.. We talk every time I see her.. I really enjoy talking to her, don't get me wrong.. But I would like to explore the possibilities with her.. But dunno how.. *laughs* C'est la Vie!

New Ranting:
Well, I'm out of school.. Working.. Lovely.. Well. I have a bit of a problem with my supervisor.. He'll come in and if he isn't already pissed off, he will be soon enough.. And when something gets to him over the course of the night, he gets worse and worse.. Apparantly, he's mellowed out a lot over the years, but he's still a royal asshole. Take a couple nights ago for example.. He yelled at people for talking when they were trying to figure out how to use the compactor at work.. Then, when I said I was off for a couple days straight he was all "You hope". *laughs* Ok for those who don't know, I'm a night stock person at a grocery store.. It is tough work.. I had a run of 7 straight nights.. You'd think I'd want a night off after that right?? Well, apparantly, my supervisor thinks that everyone should grab as many shifts as they can..I would if I was getting only one or two shifts a week.. But anyways, he mentioned he works 7 straight all the time.. 5 at the store, and two driving a cab.. *laughs* Now.. Driving a cab isn't nearly as stressful as putting up stock, physically or mentally.. Well, then he made mention to the fact that I'm also on Social assistance with "Well, I wouldn't mind living like that" *LMAO!!* Damn.. Here's an idiot with a house, family, a couple cars, one a CADILLAC!, and a pool.. And he wants to live near the fucking poverty line not knowing whether or not to buy food or pay bills?? Go ahead! I'll trade!

Anyways.. That's it for now...

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