Vincent's Limit Breaks

Level 1:

Galian Beast: Vincent heals himself and gives himself extra HP. He attacks with Beast Flare and Bererk Dance.

Level 2:

Death Gigas: Transforms into a Frankenstein-like monster. He attacks one enemy for fair damage with Gigadunk, and shocks all opponents with Livewire.

Level 3:

Hellmasker: Attacks enemies with a five hit combo, and also puts curses on them.

Level 4:

Chaos: Vincent transforms into Chaos and uses 2 very powerful attacks: Chaos Saber and Satan Impact.

To get this limit, you'll have to take your submarine through a tunnel hidden in the side of an underwater mountain. You'll rise up into a little lagoon with a cave in it. Enter the cave with vincent in your party, and he'll talk to his lost love, Lucresia. Leave the cave, then re-enter it after a little while. Walk up to the top of the room, and hit the 0 button to receive his Limit manual, plus his Ultimate weapon, the Death Penalty.

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