Chocobo Racing

Now, let's look at Chocobo Racing for a minute. First, betting. Betting is pretty much a game of chance--if you know anything about horse racing, you'll probably know that stamina counts for more than speed, so with that in mind, happy betting! The real action in Chocobo Square, however, starts happening once you breed your own chocobo and start racing the little birdie. If you buy 20-30 Sylkis Greens from the Chocobo Sage (yes, I know it's expensive, just sell off a mastered All or something), then feed them to your chocobo, they'll have the stats of a champion and can easily win in the lower classes. However, on Classes A and S, you'll have to work harder for your supper. But you can still be a champion--just hold down R1+R2 as you race. Your stamina bar will gradually fill up! Yes, it's cheating, but no one will catch you, so go with it! After a while though, I've noticed that I'm constantly pitted against an incredible racer named Teioh. His chocobo has 2000 stamina! It's not too hard to beat him, if you use your dash liberally. Winning at the races can get you some great stuff, like extra Counter Attack materias, Enemy Away materia, Sneak Attack materia, and if you're really persistent, you can get the chance to win Magic Counter materia! I've never done it, so I'm not sure if it's really possible. Also, if you win about 10 races on Class S, Ester will congratulate you on being so wonderful and give you the following: Precious Watch (the worst armor you can possibly have), Chocobracelet, Sprint Shoes, and Cat's Bell (restores HP with every step like FF3's Tintinabar). Chocobo racing will also get you tons of GP. Just trade in the items if you don't want them.

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