Melody's Titanic Page

Hello and thankyou to everyone who has been visiting my page. I would like to apologize for not keeping it very up to date. I recently found this page (I had started it over 14 years ago) and am currently undergoing MAJOR construction!

Hi! Welcome to "Melody's Titanc Page"! I hope you enjoy your stay! I have worked very hard, and will continue to work my hardest to make this page be the best it can possibly be. Please do not steel things or ideas from my site unless you get my approval of it. I have borrowed things from other sites, but I have asked the people and I also give credit to them on my "Links and Thankyou's" page. Other than that, I hope you enjoy your stay and I hope that my page is right for you. Please sign the guestbook and let me know what you think.

This page was last updated on 07/28/00.

On March 6th, 1999; I went to the "Titanic Exhibition" in St Paul Minnesota. I just have to say that it was the experience of a lifetime. I will never forget it. Some of the things displayed were: a steward's jacket, Molly Brown's gold nugget necklace, a lifejacket, a porthole, "the big piece", the Titanic whistles (we also got to hear them), a wedding dress, another beautiful dress, a suitcase, a brush set, a porcelin sink, etc, etc. There are also quotes all around the exhibit's walls. There is a wall with all the names of the people that sailed on the Titanic. It was a very big impact. Very touching. After "The Big Piece", you can sign a guestbook. At the end of the exhibit, there is a gift store (well actually a series of three). They sell anything you can think of Titanic. Soap, shirts, jackets, pens, pencils, jewelry, stationary, games, dishes, etc. Also, there is a Titanic store in the Mall of America. For more information of that, go to The Mall of America's Website.

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