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Salut Mes Amis! C'est Moi!

OK>>>Here goes!!
I am Kristin Laraine Lewis and I am a 2002 graduate from Minnesota State University, Mankato. I majored in human biology with a minor in chemistry and I did the pre-pharmacy program. I am hoping to go to pharmacy school in the fall of 2002. What if I don't get in?? What would I do?? I HAVE NO FREAKIN' IDEA!!! Knowing me, I'll probably read poetry in a coffee shop in Paris with a german accent while wearing an eccentric purple kilt! (Do purple kilts even exist??)

Along with my brilliant parents (they paid me to say that!), I have 2 brothers and a sister. We have a zoo which consists of a dog, three cats, two birds, and a fish who, thanks to my parenting, has actually lasted 3 YEARS!!! hallelujah!I work at the VA medical center as a pharmacy technician and I am also a tech at the Eden Prairie Target.
When I am not working, I goof off on the computer, read (Stephen King, Jon Hassler, Tim Lahaye, Edgar Allen Poe, {really just articles in People magazine} and other quirky and cool writers like them--but no books with Fabio on the cover),WORK, WORK, WORK, SOCIALIZE, SOCIALIZE, SOCIALIZE, SLEEP, and practice my sarcasm.
I love to listen to music (GO REO, STYX, Mellancamp, Springsteen, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Barry Manilow -- I am SOOO kidding about the last one *la la la MANDY la la la*....EVERYTHING EXCEPT TWANGY COUNTRY!!! It's a bummer that most of my friends love country music...ick.
I also love watching movies...My favorites are "Seven", "Pulp Fiction", "Heat", "The Breakfast Club", "Princess Bride" (mesas bees buttercup) :-P, "The Sixth Sense" and "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" (go Spicoli!).
My favorite movie partner is my gorgeous fiancee Bill who I met at Tarjay Boutique where we both worked together. He is a wrestler and graduated from Waldorf College. Bill is now working at KMSP Channel 9 - soon to be FOX 9 as one of their videographers. He's praying to get to KARE 11 very very soon. He is extremely hilarious, smart, cute, and fun to be with. I warn you to never attempt to argue with this man because YOU WILL NEVER WIN!!! (boy you should see us when we're both on either side of a topic...whew!) He is a die hard WWF wrestling fan and (it's sad to say) a trekkie!! I know I know. I fell for a trekkie! ha ha..... I don't care though I have so much fun with him. I love him and he's my best friend. We got engaged at the Sacre Coeur in Paris. It was amazing. We will be married Aug 23, 2003!!

Anyhoo...on to me!!

Can you believe that I was a girl scout for 12 years (yes me...don't laugh). I was a member of different choirs and I believe that my "sexy and outrageous opera voice" was attained through my choir experiences. I used to play softball and all other sports...still love watching them and playing softball occasionally. I play the piano and handbells....I've done so much in my life they're too boring to list. I am also a die hard cat fan! I am going to be an old lady with about 100 cats, I think!
OK, um...Let's see....I need money too, so please send some now! Nevermind...I should try subliminal messages. *send me some money* *send me some money* In 4 to 6 weeks I should be expecting a personal check from you...right?? haha....

I was told that if I did this with my face that it would stick!

Just a thought......
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