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Welcome to Jenefer's Web Page (c:

Thanks for droping by my web page.

Let's see...what can I tell you about myself? First of all... I finally did it!!! I graduated from University of Detroit Mercy with a Masters in Science. I passed by NCCPA boards and I'm finally a PA-C... Yeah!!!

I'm also went on a trip with the girls again for our landmark birthdays and to celebrate my graduation.

Next, I'm a 30yo (Capricorn) female. My home state is Minnesota. I've also had the chance to travel to the USVI, Colorado, & NYC for New Year's Eve 2001!! This New Year's we spent in Chicago. No pictures yet. (You can check out some pictures from my trips by going to the bottom of this page and clicking on the link to my picture page...

While in Michigan, I was able to take a trip to Boston, NYC, & Chicago which were really fun.

Other than that, life if going pretty good...Right now I'm looking for work, waiting for my MN license, and having fun.


My family consists of my mom, my dad, my sister & my brother-in-law, my niece, plus grandma. I have pictures of them on my picture page as well.

Here are some links to stuff...take a peek if you want....

Pine City.

St. Scholastica (CSS)

University of Minnesota

University of Detroit-Mercy

Minneapolis Red Cross

St. Paul Red Cross

Here are a list of quotes that I really like and wanted to share:

1. "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

(From "getting into the PA School of your choice" book)

2. "Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads."

(From "getting into the PA School of your choice" book)

3. "You don't pay the price for setting goals, you enjoy the benefits of reaching them."

(From "getting into the PA School of your choice" book)

4. "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

(This was from a newpaper I was reading at the time JFK Jr. died...) I don't know the exact authors, but I tried to point you to the direction I found them in. If these are your quotes.. thanks for bringing a little bit of cheer and strength into my page...

My long term goals are:

1) career first for now...

2) Helping my dad build my dream home (c:

3. Above all...I want to be the BEST PA, EMT, friend, sister, daughter, companion I can be

out this program if you are interested in the PA profession in Michigan. There is also a link to the AAPA down below which lists all PA programs currently available by state...University of Detroit Mercy.

The last thing I'll say is if you wanna say HI!! or just leave your : send email by clicking on the mailbox...

or sign my guestbook below...

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

I've put links to some of my favorite web sites so if something interests you...please feel free to them out....

Again, thanks for visiting...Bye for now!! (=

Medical links

Awesome Medical Textbook Link
MN Academy of PA's
The Auscultation Assistant
Heart Sounds
U of D ECG web site

Picture pages!!!

Jessica's newspaper
My Page-o-Pictures...
Sue's newspaper