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My Links

If you made it here, Congrats!

The Amazing Stupendo (okay, I just thought this site was cute!)

It's a picture of Scully's tattoo, the best I could find

Database X (it's not one of the BEST, but it's pretty cool!)

This isn't exactly an X-Files site, but you can find the X-Files Listings (as in date/time/episode)

This came from the X-Files University. I'm not a shipper, but it really touched me! Great job to whoever wrote it! I owe you one!

Jennifer's X-Files Home Page. I don't know who Jennifer is, but whoever you are, I love you page!

The is Joe's X-Files page, only about the coolest X-Files site on the Internet! I got so many files and stuff from is site!!!! Thanks oodles! I am forever in your debt (is that how you say it?)

This is the login for the official X-Files forum. I know, it's slow as crap (pardon moi francais) but I like it anyway, because there are so many people here!

The Official Gillian Anderson Web Site (it doesn't get much more Gillian Anderson-y than this people!)

This site has video and audio clips from 6 episodes! It's cool, I loved it!

LOVE THIS PLACE! It's prime for the pickins, very informative, I got a lot of info from here! (oh yeah, it's the place, thingy, um, what's it name, I'll get back to ya, k?)

Now this, my friends, is a seriously Scully obsessed site! I love it! If only there was one like this for Mulder.............

XFU (The X-Files University) (Oh come on, now how cool is this!)

This is where I hang my hat! You get to be an FBI agent

Humor, don't ya just love the picture of Gillian and David!

X-Files songs to the tune of Disney songs

You know all of those tag lines at the beginning of episodes? Well, this site has come up with a whole bunch of funny ones, and I couldn't resist looking at them all (and hand writing them all down)

All I can say is WOW!!!!!!! It's a complete Gillian Anderson links page thingy. WOW!!!!

Here's the same thing for David Duchovny! WOW!!!!!