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Canom's SWG Weapons

These are weapons that Canom carries around with him as he explores the galaxy. He is a Bounty Hunter, and thus has learned to use a variety of ranged weapons. Pistols, carbines, and the Light Lightning Cannon are what Bounty Hunters have to choose from.

Light Lightning Cannon

The only heavy weapon that Bounty Hunters are certified with, but they receive many skill mods to make it an effective weapon against NPC's and creatures. No other profession can effectively use the LLC.

DX2 Pistol

This pistol is certified at Novice Pistoleer, but goes well with the Bounty Hunter profession because of its high Damage Per Second and its acid damage, which many NPC's and creatures are vulnerable to.

Laser Carbine

While this carbine is certified in the Marksman tree, it can still be an effective weapon for a Bounty Hunter because of its high maximum damage--especially with the help of power-ups. The low minimum damage makes it less useful against NPC's and players with ranged damage mitigation. Energy damage is also a common protection for mid- and high-end MOB's. But if the situation calls for an energy weapon, the Laser Carbine is a good stand-by.

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