Interesting SWG
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Interesting SWG

These are pics of interesting things in Star Wars Galaxies that I've accomplished or witnessed.


A list of Canom's badges as of 12-27-04.

Mystery Jetpack

Something mysterious appears out of the shadows, and it is glowing!

Randal's Fireplace

Randal did a great job putting together various items to form a fireplace in his Naboo house.

Rare Jedi Bounty

Being a Bounty Hunter, Canom has seen a wide range of bounties for NPC and player Jedi. This bounty was the highest he's ever seen. To get a bounty this high, a Jedi must climb high in the Force Rank System, thus becoming all the more powerful. The bounty hunter who brought that Jedi down certainly earned his/her reward!

Binayre Damage

Once a player has a Speederbike Swoop, it is rather easy to just speed away if you happen to be attacked by an aggressive creature or NPC. Or if you happen to run into an aggressive group, you will likely be safe long enough to speed away. This time, though, I took a huge hit from a Binayre, which can be deadly if you're unbuffed. Luckily the two hits weren't to the same pool, or I likely would have been incapped right off of my bike!

Tippy Flying

It used to be rare to catch a glimpse of a Jedi or a lightsaber, but those days are long gone. Now it is a story to tell of seeing a Jetpack, especially if it is in use! I lost 1000 credits on a bet, but I got to see a dancer flying around in a jetpack!

Tippy Flexing

Tippy was showing off her skills as she fly around outside, in front of the Coronet Cantina. I bet she's strong!

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