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Outlook Express Stationery from Sue C's Stationery HomePage: Flowers by JoAnn Hudon


We never know what tomorrow may hold

or what the future for us will unfold;

But we know our God holds us in the

palm of His hand,

And whatever it brings, He will be right beside us,

to help us firmly to stand!

We know not the hour, the time or the place

When death may come knocking,

and it, we will have to face;

But we know that our God will be there for us,

So we'll trust in His name and in His righteousness!

So whatever the future might have in store

We know that our God, for us has much more;

We've a home up in Heaven, that one day

we shall see,

And with our Lord and our loved ones

we'll spend eternity!

                     ~Helen Johnson~