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Outlook Express Stationery from Sue C's Stationery HomePage: Quiet River

Sometimes we have to be broken

before we are able to become

What God intended for us to be

cleansed, purified and made wholesome.

We tend to forget him and put him aside

letting other things interfere,

That's when he will come and remind us

in a way, only he can make clear.

He will finally get our attention

when our lives start falling apart;

We call out to him in apprehension

for we know there is sin in our heart.

As we lie there bleeding and broken

knowing that we have done wrong,

He comes to us lovingly, with mercy and grace

and lets us know, he's been here all along.

This chastisement comes from a loving Father

who wants us to be made strong

So that we can resist temptation

when we know, that to him, we belong.

His love for us is everlasting

He is always faithful and just!

He will never leave us forsaken

if to him our hearts we entrust.

He will come and pick up the pieces

and the brokeness he will mend,

When we humble ourselves and submit to him

the heartache and suffering will come to an end.

       ~Helen Johnson~