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Level 3's Geoculture Project

Geography of Quebec & Canada
Human & Cultural Geography

In groups you will be developing country profiles that focus on the geography, history, economics and culture of a particular area of the world. You will be given guidelines for the Country profiles, which will grow over the course of the year.Students will make presentations on occassion to keep the class informed about specific regions.

The purpose of this project:

  • students will develop geography skills.
  • students will learn more about different regions of the world.
  • students will be given the opportunity to develop crucial computer skills (internet projects, word processing and powerpoint computer presentations)
  • students will learn vital reading and writing skills by producing a section of a bi-weekly magazine that is being produced by the school's geography class. Our class will focus on economic and cultural news, and weather.
  • students will create a display for the school's open house to show the students work.

Important Questions

1. What is human and cultural geography?

Beyond looking at maps, understanding location, latitude, longitude and time zones, we are beginning to understand that there are many factors that make up Geography . We look at economy, natural resources, where people live, how they live,& how they place they live affects there lives. In Canada, we know that the climate,landscape and location of our country affects the jobs, lifestyles and attitudes of people. It is colder in certain areas, causing most canadians to live southern parts of our vast country. Depending on your region you live in, you might be mining (Canadian Sheild), foresting (Western Cordillera),fishing (Maritimes) , manufacturing (St.Lawrence Lowlands) or freezing (Arctic Region)

In Human and Cultural Geography we look at how different people live. Culture refers to a set of ideas, beliefs, & practices held in common by people within a society living in a particular region We know that people around the world often look and act differently then we do in Canada. It is our mission to discover a little more about these different people.By understanding others, we will better understand the world where we live. By studying other cultures, we will learn to appreciate differences and become better geographers and citizens.

2. What is Our Project?

Our project will develop over the course of the year. Our first task is to begin understanding our various regions of the world. We will do this by studying the location, climate , regions, history, economy and culture of our regions. Our class will be keeping up-to date information on the regions by focusing on weather systems & news every week.

As a class we will study the various cultures of the world. As explorers we will look out over the world and discover new things about different people and places.

The Links To Our Projects

Australia- Micheal Seto, Sammy, Steven Plamondon
Brazil- Vince Pultone, James Leblanc, Christian S.
France- Jessica Flowers, Cara Trombetta
Greece- Sarah Georgakis
Italy- Rosetta Santoro, Sylvia Defazio
Japan- Michael Ramroop, Derik Smith
Mexico- Alicia Ruggles
Mexico- Melanie Mercier
U.S.A- Michael Cusson, Daniel C.
Social Studies Page
Yahoo Weather

Email: Sarah