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Hey, . Get up and dance, your hanging out with ...

Free Jar Seven: the myth, the band and the bad outfits...

Please bear with me, I'm working on it, and I'm not even in the band any more.

More work is rarely being done. You may also note that I've moved some things around. .. maybe more coming. (sign the guest book)
It's been a while... We were Free Jar Seven. Here's a little information about us and our sound.

Free Jar Seven is composed of four, er three, guys from the Twin Cities. The music is a combination of the backgrounds and influences, some listed below, of each member. Most of the music is original, but we also do covers.

The variety and style of music ranges from guitar rock to funk, jazz to punk, and alternative rock to retro-rock.. with a few other flavors such as surf and ska thrown in for good measure.

Here's Free Jar Seven:

Jeff Nelson(Firetruck spice): Bootsy Collins has got nothing on Sir Jeff-a-lot
J. Clapp (Dusty): He's so Dirty when he plays he gots to mop the strings of his guitar...
T'odd Paulsen (Chumly): I think he broke his back

Gone Boy Gone(:< Drew):
He ran away to New York... mmmmmm donuts..

The band was once known as Half-off Monty, and is now formerly known as Free Jar Seven ...but in the summer of 1997 the name of the band was changed to the Jar and one year later... The Monties played about the Twin Cities for two years prvious to be coming the Jar (I don't know why, they swallowed a fly.. perhaps they'll..). In this time they recorded at Pachyderm Studios, and opened for Johnny Homes among others.

Now they sit at home and wonder, by the banks of their own lagoons... We Have T-shirts. Contact me by e-mail if you're interested. They're $12 plus shipping.

We've retooled several songs and are in the process of getting them out to y'all.

Sorry to leave you all in the lurch, but drew is gone. Drew the fat doby bastard was the source of this code too, so don't expect too many updates

Drew's act was never together...

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getting better?

Last updated: 27 Apr 98 d

Walk around, check the place out

meet the band
Soon to be New Page, see some of the new features
