Minis to the Rescue!
Notes: This story was spontaneously written one day after school – actually, it was a Driver’s education assignment. You had to write a story that included 10 traffic hazards. Naturally, Natalie wrote one using the Digi Destined – names (mostly) changed to protect their privacy, of course! Have fun figuring out who all the cast members REALLY are!

CAST Dave: 16 years old and just got his driver’s license
June: Dave’s big sister
Tina: Dave’s girlfriend
Tim: Dave’s friend
Evil Sounding Voice
King of the Guardian Angels
Queen of the Guardian Angels

Mini Angels…
Ziggy: Like technology and computer stuff (he’s a mini genius)
Matt: Cool guy who likes cars
Sara: Loves plants and is kind hearted
Carrie: Matt’s younger sister
Lola: Airhead who is obsessed with guys
Cody: Ninja wanna-be (loves his Kendo stick)

8:30 Friday night
(A kid with pointy brown hair and goggles around his head is pestering his older sister)
Dave: So?
June: So what?
Dave: You know, the keys?
June: You did ALL the stuff I asked?
Dave: Yep!
June: You made my bed, washed the cat, did the dishes, vacuumed and dusted the entire house AND did 3 loads of laundry: washed, dried and folded AND you carefully hand-washed my silk blouse?
Dave: Yup!
June: Fine. *sighs and hands over the keys* But remember to bring my dress to the dry cleaner’s on the way to your movie.
(Dave grabs it and runs off to the car)

(Dave opens the driver’s door)
Dave: Shoot! *Fumbles for the keys that have the alarm deactivator on them*
Keys: Clink! (as they fall to the ground)
(Dave bends down to retrieve the keys and accidentally drops the dry-clean-only dress on a puddle leftover from melting winter snow)
Dave: Oops! *Turns around to pick up the dress and accidentally kicks the keys under the car* No! Darn!
(He gets down on his hands and knees to pull them out, but can’t find them in the dark)
(Dave runs inside to get the flashlight and leaves the dress soaking in the puddle)
Dave: Got it! *Grabs the keys from under the car, shuts off the alarm, climbs in the car and shuts the door) *mutters to self* Doors locked, seat adjusted, key in, adjust mirrors, lights on, OK! Ready! *Starts car*

Evil Sounding Voice: What shall we do tonight? Oh! This looks interesting! (Dave appears on a screen) I could have some fun with this.

Security Guard Angel: Who needs our help tonight? Oh, that looks awful! (He sees the evil entity watching Dave’s car on the screen) He could really use our help. Especially with THAT guy on his tail. *Presses a silent alarm*

(Two blonde, many-winged angels are sitting on thrones drinking tea)
Queen of the Guardian Angels: Oh no! Someone needs help!
King of the Guardian Angels: Hmm…this looks like a job the minis could handle.
Queen: Are you sure? Do you remember what happened last time?
(An angel-dog flies by, chasing a ball: Zipzipzipzipzip…)
Minis (in high, squeaky voices): We’re prepared for trouble! Make that double! To protect the world from devastation, to unite all people within our nation, to denounce the evils and protect truth and love, to extend our reach to the stars above! Joe! Matt! Sara! Melanie! Carrie! Cody! Ziggy!
Ziggy: Hey…where’s Lola?!
(A mini angel with long purple hair and glasses zips in)
Lola: Here! I just had to finish putting on my lipstick.
All: *groan*
Lola: What?
King: Well, I suppose now we have to send them.
Queen: Mini-angels? We havea mission for you.
Minis: YEAH!!!

~*20 minutes, a lot of settling down, a brief explanation, and a short flight later*~

(A short – well, they’re all less than 2 inches, but a SHORTER mini angel with spiky orange hair and a big Z on his shirt points to a car driving slowly down the road)
Ziggy: Look! There he is!
(A cool-looking, taller blonde mini angel with an M on his shirt points to the car)
Matt: And look at that awesome piece of machinery. Why, I’ll bet it’s got…
Lola: Oh please, you and cars. *checks herself out in a pocket mirror* You should learn to pay more attention to the important things! *bats her eyelashes*
(A curly-orange-haired mini angel with an M on her shirt looks down at herself)
Melanie: My shirt doesn’t fit right.
Matt: *flies over* Hey, that’s mine! But you can borrow it. (They reach the car as it pulls into the dry cleaner’s. When Dave opens the door, they slip in, unnoticed)
Melanie: Oh! Plush leather!
Matt: Ohhhh, I’m in heaven.
Sara: *smacks him* If this is heaven, where do you think we just came from?
Matt: *looks puzzled*
(Three teens return to the car, and the minis scatter and hide. Three teens return to the car – Tina, a short-haired blonde girl with a bucket-style hat hops into the front seat)
Tina: Cool, fuzzy dice. (she fingers the dice hanging from the rearview mirror)
(Besides Dave, the other teen is Tim, a kid with big, dark brown hair who hops into the backseat)
Tim: I can’t wait ‘til I get a license! Turn up the TUNES, man!
(They back up and head out of the parking lot)
Evil Sounding Voice (from the bushes): And now for some fun!
Tim: This station stinks! Pick a different one!
Dave: *turns dials* Is this good?
Carrie: *gasps* He didn’t put his seat belt on! Quick! Help me put it on for him. (She struggles with the heavy seatbelt and Dave absent-mindedly swats at her)
Tina: The movie starts in 15 minutes! We have to go faster or we’ll never make it!
Cody: I should knock some sense into him with my Kendo stick.
Lola (from her seat on the fuzzy dice): Oh! He forgot his headlights too, and it’s getting dark!
Joe: I’m not sure about this mission. This kid has plenty of risks all by himself without the “dark forces” after him! Doesn’t he…I mean…I thought he was supposed to have a routine for locking doors and stuff.
Cody: The locks! *zzziip* *locks doors*
Lola: What about the lights? *flies down and adjusts the light stick*
Cody: No, no, no, those are the hazard lights. *adjusts it again*
Joe: That’s all wrong! Those are the brights! *adjusts it again*
Lola: Those are the PARKING lights.
Evil Sounding Voice: What’s going on? Those lights! No sane person would drive like that. And I haven’t even done anything yet. Well…here’s the first test. (A puddle appears about 20 seconds down the road from the car)
Matt: Look, a puddle! Melanie, give me your hair dryer.
Melanie: *reaches into her gigantic purse* Let me see…
Matt: HURRY. (She finds it and tosses it to him. Matt flies out one of the vents and zips ahead to the puddle. Sara grabs Lola’s hair dryer and flies out too, but as Matt gets to work drying the puddle, Sara spots…)
Sara: A dandelion! Growing in the road! I have to save it! (She yanks it out and transplants it to the side of the road, where it can grow in safety)
Matt: *finishes drying the puddle* Sara, quickly! There are tacks at the bottom of this hill; he could pop his tires! (The two struggle to move the tacks off the road. Just then, the car approaches where the puddle was…)
Sara: *glances at the tack pile on the side of the road* All that work for nothing. (They zip to catch up with the car again. Just after they leave, a car drives over the dried-up puddle and right over the remaining tack. Pop! Hissssssss…)
Random Driver: Dang! A flat tire!

Ziggy: I don’t believe it! He didn’t signal his turn! I’m in charge of the signal lights from now on. (The car approaches another intersection)
Ziggy: Okay! *flips light*
Dave: Hmm, that’s weird…
Tina: What?
Dave: My turn signal’s on, but I’m not turning here.
Ziggy: *slaps head* (They blow right past the intersection and through a stop sign. Fortunately, they were the only ones at the intersection)
Tina: Hey, that WAS our turn.
Dave: Oops.
Ziggy: *faints*

(Up ahead on the street, a person is getting into their parallel-parked car)
Carrie: *gasp* A hazard! (She flies ahead and slams the car door shut – right on the poor old lady’s fingers – just as the car passes within inches of the now-closed door)
Carrie: Phew! *wipes brow*

~Finally, they reach the theater, safe and unharmed~
(at least until the movie is over)
Cody: *gulp*
Evil Sounding Voice: Bwahahahahaha…