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Proudly dedicated to the Twin Cities since late 1999!

2/12/03: I feel the incredible guilt...leaving this site to fend for itself, starving to death with the malnourishment in the way of information and goodies offered. Even the long papers I wrote for my geography class that were supposed to be put up have been left to collect electronic dust in the back folders of my computer. This is another of those formalities, where I swear the site won't die, but I can't promise it. My pictures still flourish, but this part of the site just seems like an adjunct more than a hobby or interest. My time is busy, and even when the opportunity arises, I find myself heading elsewhere. Maybe one day I'll get off my indolent arse and start slapping together something, but then I'm reminded of how little traffic this actual site receives, and I keep thinking I should just turn it into something else, or end the farce and call it quits.

This is almost like a eulogy. I honestly don't see myself updating the site in the near future, and even if I exerted effort, it'd sit neglected for another few months before the niggling little figments of guilt force me into another visit, only to put together some pitiful message for the couple dozen people who actually stop by for whatever reason.

Is this moribund site finally going for the final curtain call? It may be denial, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to shut this down. After all, it's been a part of my life for nearly 4 years now, and despite the neglect, it still serves its purpose. I hope to come back, rekindle the enjoyment, and let glory days reign once again. A renaissance is always possible...but can I guarantee it? No...I can't. I won't let the site fall apart, but there's a chance that all of its golden era has faded away and left it with little more than a dull luster.

Enough of the fake poetic junk. I admit defeat; no internet site lasts forever, and this has sure seen better days. The future is not yet written, but only time will tell what will happen with the site. In the meanwhile, the pictures live on, not with the vivacity of its nascent days, but still with a lot more energy than this enervated site has. Until next time...

Latest sections updated: 10/12 Twin Cities Info, About Iggy, FAQ/Intro, Photo Archive