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Profiles of the Edderville Survivors

Name: Tomer Levinson

Alignment: Fudd

Species: Human

Description: A 14 year old boy with black slightly curly hair, pale skin, around 5 feet tall, appears (to those who don't know him) morelike a 12-year old, has the rare ability to sense ky00t.

Background: Tomer is one of the few people who survived the destuction of East Fudd Junior High (an innocent name misinterpreted by the devilbunnies. The leader figure of his group and the son of a deceased Fudd, he witnessed the death of a friend by a devilbunny firsthand.

Allies: Chris Anderson, Tim Sanders, Joey Beckman

Enemies: Snaapel


Name: Chris Anderson

Alignment: Fudd

Species: Human

Description: A 14 year old boy with straight blonde hair, a little chubby, around 5 feet tall, wears glasses appears (to those who don'tknow him) more like a 12-year old, has only eight toes.

Background: Chris is one of the few people who survived the destuction of East Fudd Junior High (an innocent name misinterpreted by the devilbunnies). He lost two of his toes when the devilbunnies attacked.

Allies: Tomer Levinson, Tim Sanders, Joey Beckman

Enemies: Snaapel


Name: Tim Sanders

Alignment: Fudd

Species: Human

Description: A 14 year old boy, with dark brown hair, light but not too pale skin, around 5 1/2 feet tall, wears a cast on his left arm.

Background: Tim is one of the few people who survived the destuction of East Fudd Junior High (an innocent name misinterpreted by the devilbunnies), arm was broken when kicked by a devilbunny.

Allies: Chris Anderson, Tomer Levinson, Joey Beckman

Enemies: Snaapel


Name: Joey Beckman

Alignment: Fudd

Species: Human

Description: A 14 year old boy with brown wavy hair, pinkish skin, about 4' 4", appears (to those who don't know him) more like an 8-year old.

Background: Joey is one of the few people who survived the destuction of East Fudd Junior High (an innocent name misinterpreted by the devilbunnies), another good friend of Tomer's, he is the most sensitive guy in their group. He consoled Tomer when his father died, as well as when Sam died.

Allies: Chris Anderson, Tim Sanders, Tomer Levinson

Enemies: Snaapel