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Class 81

The class 81 was the early AC eletric locomotive for the west coast, it was not until the fully eletricfication of thr main line then the advantages of electric traction started to take shape.

The technical specification is :-

The class 81 was built by The Birmingham Wagon & Carriage Works Co Ltd. Between 1961 and 1965and there where 22 built in total, as class 81- 85 where part of an experiment to see which designs and controls did well. Only a few where built in these classes, as it was pointless as there where part of the experiment.

The class did not do well and most where withdrawn, as they kept failing and they tended to be a pain in the bum for BR, but they where put onto freight work, where they stayed there until withdrawal.

The 81 did receieve a note in the way the layout of the cab was constructed, brake on the left and power handle on the right. Paving the way in which futare loco cabs where to be laid out !!.

The class 81 is one loco which started the way all eletrics are built today.

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