Class 67
The class 67 whcih will be called "2000" and will have a top speed of 125 Mph. This loco will probably be used on postal and charter trains as well as helping out West Coast and Xcountry Intercity services. The class 67 will be compatable to work in mutiple with class 59 and class 66 although it will not be able to go faster than their design speed. The chance of this will occuring will be slim. The technical specification is :-
Max speed 125 Mph
Mutiple working: GM (59/66)
TDM fitted (RCH cables and could probably be UIC 12 way cables as well)
ETH index
Route availabilty 6/7 (as it is hard to tell the the classes of route difference apart).
Air brakes only
The class 67 will be mostly used on postal services but could also be used on charters and mainline services as well as conventional freight trains mostly the enterprise workings, but this would be covered by class 66 and the 59's as well as the class 58's and 60's.
The class 67 is being built in Spain by GEC Alstrom and the traction package is being provided by GM, the body built by Alstrom and the TDM by Adtranz at Crewe. At the moment the class 67 could have a drop head buckeye or screwcoupling, but they have still not decided on what is going to be fitted yet.
It is expected the delivery starting in the year 2000 and with the 60 ordered plus more it could be 2002 before the fleet are fully finished and in the United KIngdom.
If you have any information, please could you e-mail them to me at the address below.