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Class 60's

The class 60's are Britains moden long haulage engine, these machines built by Brush, have been around for a little while now and they seem to have settled in, there were 100 built at Loughborugh and have been an important asset and part of a plan to encoruge more rail use.

The technical description is :-

The class 60's were built between 1989 and 1992 and have seen active servce ever since, being based at Toton gives them a coverage area of all over the country except the West Highland Way were the line is too tight for them so a 37 does instead. They were in trainload livereies of coal, construction, metals and petroleum. But when the class 60 where divided into the colours for their particular task the locos did not stick to it, for example the loco 60003 "Christopher Wren" in Trainload Petroleum colours should only do petroleum work, but it did construction and other work including RFD (Railfreight distrubution) work and P-way work. So i the end they did not bother to paint them into sector colours, instead it was "if it is there, use it".

The above picture is the colours being applied to the class 60's when the new firm EWS took over when BR was privateised.

If you have nay information, please e-mail me at the address below

