Class 59
The class 59 is one of the a fleet of locomotives that were built not for BR but for private owner, they did however influence the way BR was to construct the freight engine design order specification. They also gives the engineers are BREL a headache and at Brush. BR had a taste of honey when this loco were given the once over, the class 58's and 56's had meet their match, BREL and BRML had some work to do.
The class 59 was built for Foster Yeoman and ARC as well as national Power. They have many qualities and this wil sure to be their advantage over conventional loco design.
The specifications are :-
GM mutiple working only
Air braked only
ETH none
Weight 126 Tonnes
Max speed 60 Mph
Tractive effort 113550 lbs
Coupling hook and chain except 59101 -59104 which have drop end buckeyes
59/0 Foster yeoman 59/1 Owned by ARC (Associated Roadstone company) 59/2 National power (Now EWS)
The livery of the 59/0 is grey and 59/1 is mustard yellow although it is now going into hanson colours and 59/2 is national power colours but some are now in EWS red and gold.
59003 "Yeoman Highlander" was moved to Germnay where it is being used for German operations. But could go to Poland and Sweeden.
The class 59's have been around now for some years now and have seen heavy haulage and now seem set for the futare with their owners, and now the class 66 and 67 will be introduced, these machines will be able to work with them. The 59's and the class 60 have always been the force that pushes back the boundry and they will continue to do this, the engines them selves have not got a nickname and do not have much to say except that they continue to do heavy haulage work.
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