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Class 58

The class 58's were made by Brel at Doncaster works between 1982 and 1986, they designed to be used on freight and had air braking only as this loco would be used more on modern wagons such as the MGR (Merry Go Round) wagons that are used on freight trains. These engines would all be assigned to Total traction mainttenance depot in Nottingham, also this would also serve the nearby power stations which is why the loco was built in the first place. Incidently Totals depot plaque is the twin cooling toers of a power station.

The class 58 or otherwise known as "Bone" is based on the idea of having no gangway in the middle to serve the loco, instead they remove a section of the body and this allows the loco to have easier servicing.

The class 58 which has a total of 50 has always been used on freight, but more recently it has started to move onto other jobs such as rubbish and car trains to Travelling post office trains in London with class 73's on the end. Now that EWS has took over the locos are now starting to be painted into red and gold as they are serviced at Toton. These locos can work with the class 56, and class 60.

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