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Music and music-related topics about general music subjects.

Punk and other sordid affairs

I listen to a kind of music generally classified as punk rock. More specifically, pop punk and a wee bit o' ska punk, and probably a whole pain-in-the-ass load more, if you want to get into specifics. If'ns you don't know what punk is, go here, because I don't feel like trying to explain all the crap everyone says it is. Use the following information for your own sick twisted desires as you see fit, just don't come whining back to me if you somehow abuse it and bring upon yourself a hefty lawsuit. I don't know how you would do such a thing with this specific page, but you're a bunch of freaks. How do I know what sinister plans you have for me and my precious page, or how you might unleash it's deliciously crumbly secrets to the unknowing public? I'm sure you'll find a way, you hideous beast. Leave me alone and go back to looking at naked pictures of Jenny McCarthy like you and everyone else were doing before you found my sacred haven. AAAHHHH!!! The natural light, it hurtses my eyes!!! Ok, enough drifting off the subject. Read. Enjoy. And for God's sake put that thing away!!! There's no need for that here! What would your mother say if she saw you doing that? Without her? Go get her now, you greedy little sploogewhore.

Mmmmmm... cake.... I have other things to tend to right now.....

These are the bands that I listen to most nowadays (or would if I had the money to buy all of their albums and stuff). I listen to a lot more than these bands, but hell if I'm gonna list 'em all, you snoopy bastard. So I guess this would also kinda be like my favorite bands. They are kinda in order from most to least... I linked as many of 'em as I could, which you can see is not very many at all. Find 'em yourself. I'm not your slave. Heh, try and make me do all the work so you can reap the benefits of my laboriously shed sweat.... you make me sick. Bake me a cake, you filthy wench.

(7/31/03 - I'm actually so friggin' bored that I'm re-ordering some of these and adding a few more that I've been listening to a lot lately. However at the moment I'm not going through all the links, even though I know almost all of them died years ago. Oops.)


The Gain





Camper Van Beethoven

The Invalids

The Parasites

The Queers

The Mr. T Experience

Screeching Weasel

Blink 182


The Smugglers


The Automatics

The Cretins

The Young Hasselhoffs

...And lots of the rest and more at Lookout Records

I wanna read about the horny monkeys again.