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Judy "Fish Tank of Love" Relapse

"'Hand me walnut, Judy', and she hand me a walnut. 'Watch this, Judy', and she watch me place it between mine buttcheeks and crack it. Then she do one better. The pick up a lemon and put between her buttcheeks and squeeze four whole cups of lemonade. 'Hand me two-foot cube of ice, Judy', and she hand me a two-foot cube of ice. 'Watch this, Judy', and she watch me grab mineself and stab through it with mine exotic heatrod. Then she outdo me again and grab hers and lift it up and drop it on a school bus and smash it to size of metal pancake. 'Measure mine hair, Judy', and she measure mine hair. Two inches. 'Watch this, Judy', and she watch me flex mine forehead and grow mine hair out to four and a half inches before her eyes. Then she outdo me again and flex her face... I no see anything different, her hair still the same length. But she was smiling funny, then started to itch herself." -Jean-Claude Van Damme