
Philosophy of Drugs and Life:
I may piss you off, and you may piss me off, but as long as you don't piss on me
and I don't piss on you, than everything is a okay in my book.

Experiences: Seeing a person's hair turn purple. Feeling like wind is being
blown into my eyes. Looking at a regular picture and feeling like it is a
motion picture. Pulsating walls (good and evil). Bleeding walls. Dancing
plates. Feeling like I'm getting a massage.

Experiences: Feeling like wind is being blown into my eyes. Looking into
the ground and seeing a magic mirror enabling me to see any image I want.
Thinking and visualizing the entire movie "The Truman Show" in 3 seconds
without prior seeing it. Seeing primordial images that all people would
recognize. Seeing complex geometric shapes of letters instanteneously.
Experiencing what death would be like (not a bad thing). Truths
discovered while in morning glory induced trips.

Experiences: (Grew these babies in my closet, haha DEA!) Experienced what
death would be like, as well as "heaven" and a sort of "hell". Had knowledge
sent from Tassili, the mushroom god.

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Email: thoreau1845@hotmail.com