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Things that Nick says....

"You don't even know how to say it right."

"Homerun Mike Piazza, wait when I said Mike Piazza but I like Oakland better."

"I'm tired"

"I'm so tired I've been rehearsn' all night"

"You know what I know what this is....ACTION...ha ha"

"It took about 2 hours sitting straight not moving and it's really affecting me right now"

"You go girl!"

"If I had a girlfriend I would spoil her rotten"

"Me and Puff go way back"

"Fishhead here will tell you where he worked and what he made there"

"I'm gonna go kick his butt in pool real quick"

"He can be serious at times..but at other times he can be just as crazy as me and Brian"

"Hi this is Nick"

ABOUT BEFORE A CONCERT "I'm usually nervous too, and very excited. I feel kinda crazy until we are on and into a song."

ABOUT PLANS FOR THE FUTURE "We already have a tour planned for early 1999!"

ABOUT WHAT HE DOES TO RELAX "I love to play nintendo, or any kind of video game really. It just takes me to a different world. Better yet, if I'm near a beach I'll just go there, sit down and listen to the crashing waves."

"We did a number, I danced too wild and....when we landed from the jump, my pants fell down! Swoosh! The whole audience got to see me in my boxers!"


THE DARK SIDE OF THE ROAD "The traveling does get kind of gruesome sometimes. I'm away from the rest of my family...

"I'm always scared on planes, I hate flying. I think I get better the more oftern I fly though, none of the others get scared though...

WHAT HE BRINGS ON THE ROAD "Video games, paper and pencils for drawing, clothes, car magazines and comics.

If you have anything to add to this please e-mail me. Last Updated November 7, 1998
