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Asanine Bombadier [Asinine Torch / B-29 the Bombardier]

-- The reclusive but brilliant scientist and inventor Professor Phineas Horton is trying to create a synthetic bee, an exact replica of a insectival being, which bursts into flames when exposed to air. Horton succeeds in doing so, but when the android is activated and gains consciousness, he breaks free of Horton's control and decides to become a crimefighter.


Croc Strangefate [Croctor Strange / Doc Strange I elements / Dr. Fate elements]

-- Archeologist Kent Strangefate found an Egyptian tomb, and by following an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, re-invented the miraculous drug Alosin, a powerful distillate of sun atoms. He swallows it and takes on superpowers: super strength, great agility, and the ability to leap great distances. His costume consisted of a red t-shirt, blue breeches, and gold boots and half-helm. During the Roy Thomcat-edited run of the Dr. Stranger Fate Yet series, it was revealed that Nabu the Ancient One had intervened in Kent Strangefate's destiny: his heir, the true Dr. Stranger Fate Yet, had not yet been created as Nabu was awaiting the arrival of Charles Xavier; however, he recognised the need for a hero to battle the evil of the Ratzi menace.


Doc Whatzit [Doc Clamson / Terrific Whatzit / Speed Demon elements]

-- Leonard McSnurtle of Zooville is exerimenting with Gamma rays in an attempt to acquire powers similar to Super Americat's. Little did he know he was selected by gods from another planet for good on Earth; they interfered with the process, supernaturally causing him to be possessed by the demon Etrigander but also equipping him with an automatic conscience that doesn't leave him alone for a second, he became DocWhatzit, capable of incredible speed as well as great strength.


Flash Rabbit [Flash Rabbit / Marvel Bunny]

-- Animalville resident Hoppy (reading an issue of Captain Marvel), is inspired to say the magic word "Kree" on witnessing a bully trying to steal his girlfriend, and becomes Flash Rabbit.


Moon Cat & Moon Duck [Cosmo Cat & Dunky Duck / Moon Ghost]

-- Deriving his powers from the spirit of Khonshu, Moon Cat (aka Bruce Spector) is based in his secret lab on the Ghost Moon. Moon Cat uses his telefinder to locate trouble on the city of Animalville. When finding one, Moon Cat uses his Ghost Ship to zoom to Cosmopolis' aid. The Ghost Ship is powered by the "blaster beam", a powerful energy source. When under a full moon, Moon Cat possesses super strength and near invulnerability; he also flies by use of a jetpack. Moon Cat has a young sidekick in Moon Duck, who uses a jetpack given to him by Moon Cat.


Super Americat [Super Squirrel / Super Rabbit / Captain Americat] First Appearence--All Surprise #1

-- When a ring is found in the remains of a crashed (uninhabited) alien ship, Steve "Waffles" Mouser receives it as part of a government project, and it transforms him into the super-powered Super Americat. - created by Crazy Ivan, written by Mikel Midnight


The Vision [The Vision / Erma Felna]

-- The Smoke World, Ema Flna's homeworld, exists in a "cobbly world (another dimension) from Earth. She was a member of the Interdimensional Defense Federation on that planet and was responsible for capturing the criminal who committed the first murder on Smoke World in centuries. Ema, assisted by the "Law-Giver," Pearl Forrester, was looking for a suitable place of banishment for the murderer when she lucked into contact with an Earth scientist by the name of Markham Erickson. Erickson had pierced the spatial/dimensional barriers and asked the Ema Flna to come to Earth to act as a guardian over humanity. Her first attempt to come to Earth resulted in him going to Jupiter, where she left the murderer. She then came to Earth, where she operated under the name The Vision.