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Presenting Roberto and Rodessa!!!

Hi Everyone!!! This is the most exciting part of my Dad's Website. He gets to show us off!!!

Hi! My name is Roberto. I'm 8 years old and in the 3rd grade. I like to ride my bike and hope to race someday. I also like to play my Sony Playstation. My favorite games are Mortal Kombat and MegaMan 8.

This is me knocking down my pinata at my 8th birthday party. It was alot of fun. I wish birthdays could be every day!!

This is me again finishing my first road race....exciting!!! I want to ride faster than my dad!!

Hi! I'm Rodessa. I am 6 years old and someday I hope to be an artist because I love to draw.

Here, I'm trying to destroy my pinata at my 6th birthday. It was tough because I was blindfolded. I hope I didn't hit anyone :)

This is me and my wonderful and smart doggie, Tiara. She is very friendly and I like to give her a big hug and talk to her every day. She keeps telling me that life is "ruff". Oh well, I guess it's a dog's life :-).

This is me again in my hula outfit. My favorite dances are Pearly Shells and Hawaii Five-O.
