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Decathlon ancientcoins - Greek Silver
  > Greek Silver
 #500 EF/EF Aspendos AR Stater $email for price 

Attribution: Unpublished
Date: 300-250 BC
Obverse: Two wrestlers
Reverse: Slinger
Weight: 10.76 gm.
Pamphylia, Aspendos 300-250 B.C. AR Stater (10.76 gm) Obv: Two wrestlers grappling;EI between. Rev: Slinger right; club and triskeles. Unpublished in the major collections! EF. Ref: SG5390.

 #501 VF/ VF Thrace AR Tetradrachm $email for price 

Attribution:Thompson 198
Date: 323-281 BC
Obverse: Alexander
Reverse: Athena
Weight: 17.16 gm.
Thrace, Kings of Lysimachos 323-281 BC. Struck 288-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (17.16 gm). Obv: Head of deified Alexander right. Rev: Athena seated left, caduceus w/handle, monog. Amphipolis mint. VF/VF. light reverse encrustation.

 #502 VF+/VF Alexander III AR Tetradrachm $email for price 

Attribution:Price 3767
Date: 336-323 BC.
Obverse: Head of Herakles
Reverse: Zeus
Weight: 16.97 gm.
Macedon, Kings of Alexander III 336-323 BC. Struck 311-305 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.97 gm). Obv: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin. Rev: Zeus seated left; MI and ladle in left field. Babylon mint. Price 3767; Muller 749. VF+/VF grafitto in reverse field.

 #503 F/F Lydian AR half-stater $email for price 

Date: 561-546 BC.
Obverse: Confronted lion and bull.
Reverse: incuse punch
Weight: 5.26 gm.
Lydian Kingdom, Time of Kroisos 561-546 BC. AR half-stater of siglos (5.26 gm). Obv: confronted lion and bull. Rev: two-part incuse punch. SNG Copenhagen 456. Fine.

 #504 VF+ Aiolis Kyme AR Tetradrachm $email for price 

Date: 150-140 BC.
Obverse: Amazon Cyme
Reverse: Horse stepping right
Weight: 17.1 gm.
Aiolis, Kyme 150-140 BC. AR Tetradrachm. (17.1 gm). Obv: Head of Amazon Cyme. Rev: Horse standing right. Magistrates name in Exergue (Diogenes).

 #505 VF/VF Syria, Phillip I AR Tetradrachm $email for price 

Date: 93-83 BC.
Obverse: Head of Philip
Reverse: Zeus
Weight: 15.26 gm
Description: Syria, Seleukid Kings of Phillip I Philadelphos. 93-83 BC. AR Tetradrachm (15.26 gm). Obv: Diademed head of Philip right. Rev: Zeus enthroned left, holding Nike and sceptre. VF.

 #506 VF/VF Cilicia, Tarsos AR Stater SOLD 

Date: 361-334 BC.
Obverse: Baaltars
Reverse: lion & bull
Weight: 10.85 gm.
Description: Cilicia, Tarsos 361-334 BC. AR Stater VF/VF 10.85 gm. Obv: Baaltars seated holding grapes, grain, eagle & sceptre. Rev: Aramaic letters above lion bringing down a bull.  

 #507 VF/VF Thrace, Thasos AR Tetradrachm SOLD 

Date: 2nd-1st C. BC.
Obverse: Dionysos
Reverse: Naked Herakles.
Description:Islands of Thrace, Thasos 2nd/1st Century BC. AR Tetradrachm. Obv: Head of young Dionysos right wearing band across forehead and ivy-wreath. Rev: Herakles, naked standing left, holding club downwards in right hand, lions skin over left arm. BMC 72. 

 #508 VF/VF Thrace, Thasos AR Tetradrachm SOLD 

Date: 2nd-1st C. BC.
Obverse: Dionysos
Reverse: Naked Herakles
Description:Islands of Thrace, Thasos 2nd/1st Century BC. AR Tetradrachm. Obv: Head of young Dionysos right wearing band across forehead and ivy-wreath. Rev: Herakles, naked standing left, holding club downwards in right hand, lions skin over left arm. Heavy toning. flan crack but stable metal. BMC 72.



 #509 EF+/EF+ Rhodian Peraia AR Drachm $email for price 

Date:2nd. C. BC.
Obverse:Head of Helios
Description:Rhodian Peraia AR Drachm Obv: Head of Helios three-quarter face right, hair loose. Rev: Rose with bud on right. Most likely from the Sitichoro hoard of 1968.