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"In Magic, courage, and wisdom"

Promoting a better Panumbra experience through knowledge.

Spiff Emblem
Original image by Toughguy V
Computer image by Erinthios

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Wednesday, January 6, 2000

The map of level 3 is updated.

Saturday, October 30

No big Guild news, really, just Angefire: ADS on the pages now... Since I know I hate pop-up ads, I'm making them so they're on top of the pages. Any comments are welcome on how best to do this ad thing. :)

Saturday, September 25

As I am Guildmaster, I have complete and utter control. Seeing as that is the case, I want to update the look and feel of the site. :) Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Tuesday, September 21

We have just gained our first Ambassador, Jolt. He is currently ranked as a Constable in the Brotherhood, and will be our link to the Maok.

Sunday, September 19

I hadn't announced this to the world earlier, but we are now an Associated Guild of Methus. Along with possible benefits comes the added responsibility to adhere to Laws of Methus.

Wednesday, August 18

Figured it was time to do something notable. Rastlin and Jesse have been promoted. Jesse is our appointed Trade Associate.

Thursday, July 8

The level 5 map has been updated to reflect the removal/conversion of fountains.

Wednesday, June 16

Zephyr's bio is now posted.

Tuesday, June 15

Eccedian's bio is now posted.

Wednesday, May 26

Posted the Spiff Emblem today, created by Toughguy V.

Tuesday, May 5

Updated the Join Scroll with the new careers and race. (BTW, the forms do work, we've had our first application in.)

Sunday, May 2

New service for the Scroll of Joining! The form now works, so you may apply above. Also added some information on the Join Scroll, and created a preliminary Interview Scroll.

Thursday, April 22

Been updating the members page, and have started the mini-interview process. I'll try to look for people when I'm in game, but if you see me and want to do the quiz, just let me know.

Sunday, April 18

As many of you know, I (Erinthios) have been given control of the guild due to Zurim and DS's decision to move on. Updates to the site will be made soon, and I hope to be able to start reviewing membership applications. The Join form is not working, so please email me the information requested on it to apply. I have updated the member list for both members and looks.

Sunday, April 4

Fixed an error on the level 4 map. I apologize for the lack of updates lately, but the future of the guild is somewhat uncertain at this point so changes are afoot.

Sunday, March 7

Took down the stories about the broken alliance to promote peace. Added a page explaining promotions.

Monday, March 1

Fixed a small error in the Cave of Chaos map.

Sunday, February 28

Put up the Public Cave of Chaos Map!! Redid the maps&docs page to make it easier to navigate. Also redid the history and current events page to make it easier to navigate and added a story. Added some other stuff to the Credits page and other pages. Pretty much did a large reworking of the site.

Saturday, February 27

Updated the Allies, links, and history and current events page.

Saturday, February 20

Updated the Allies page and the Links page today.

Wednesday, February 3

Fixed a small error in the level 2 map.

Monday, February 1

Added a bit more info to most of the guides again.

Friday, January 29

Put up the Spiff Area map today. It is by no means complete yet but should give a general idea of the layout and monster areas. Also added a large amount of info to the Monster guide as well as a new picture.

Monday, January 25

Updated the monster guide today to add some more info on some monsters.

Saturday, January 23

Updated the level 3 map as it had a couple of minor errors.

Saturday, January 16

Updated about all of the guides. All new skills are now included in the skills guide, I added some new monsters and some pictures to the monster guide, and I added some items to the items guide. The rest got minor updates. Our attempts to map the CoC have stirred up controversy so I can't tell you if we will be able to finish mapping it. Maybe we should have a vote on the issue.

Friday, January 15

Updated the level 2 map to 2.1 version. All of our maps are 2.1 version now! We also have all levels done except the special quest areas. I will work on updating the monster guide and skills guide now. Seems like the work is never finished! Da Spiff.

Sunday, January 10

Updated the skills doc. Now includes new master staff skills. Will be finished as soon as more info is found on new skills. Also put up Erinthios' bio. Check it out on the members page.

Friday, January 8

Updated the level 3 map to 2.1 version today. It has changed a lot from the 2.0 version so you may want to get this new version. Also updated the maps and docs credits page.  (second update:) Finally updated the members page, and the level 2 map will be done in a few days.  Many thanks to Da Spiff for running everything while I was gone!!!

Monday, January 4

Updated the Upper/Lower Mine Tunnels map which had a small secret area missing, and also updated the items guide and the skill guide to include some of the new skills. I will finish it as soon as I get more info on the remaining skills.

Friday, January 1

Happy New Year! Go check out the new Spiff Skill data table, Da Spiff got info for all the races, and a minor change to the format fixed a few bugs.

Monday, December 28

Updated the Level 4 map of the mines to 2.1 version today. Only levels 2 and 3 left!

Saturday, December 26

Updated the items guide again today and also the maps/docs credits page.

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