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Sailor Earth's Crystal Palace

Neo Queen Serenity's Top 6 Scouts

Princess Serenity's Cosmic Gaze Into The Future
Well Pioneer has already dubbed the last of the the seasons. Many people were amd about them doing this because Pioneer has been known to dissect and change the effect of shows and how they were originally. It seems that negotiations with Naoko for a liscense to either make a Sailor Stars Movie or even a new season haven't been going either way. All that she's said is that she won't consider anything unless they return all of her original drawings and direct all fan mail to her which hasn't happened in the past. So all we can do is hope that she will agree with the negotiations and draw for a brand new season or even the movie itself.

Melvin's Full Report On The Sailor Moon Episodes
Not too much to report here at this time, Pioneer has finished the dubbing and cutting of all the episodes that they plan on actually putting out in America. The quality isn't even comparitively good compared to it's japanese origin. It's not as bad becuase it's been some amount of time since SMR was dubbed and the other seasons were never to be dubbed in the first place, so there's one upside to it. One real drawback is the voices, almost all of them are new. Hopefully this will push Pioneer to also push Naoko for a new season or movie.

Queen Beryl's Monthly Poll
This is the monthly poll, all you have to do is e-mail me your decision and it will be posted in a couple weeks. The question for the month is: ...Who Is Worst To Rule the Negaverse?: A)Sailor Tin Nyanko B)Allen C)Rubius D)Mimette E)Tiger Eye

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A Shrine Dedicated To Sailor Moon
A Shrine Devoted To Sailor Saturn
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