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~*~Jessi's Page~*~

Alrighty..this is the part where I ramble on and on about ME!! YAY!! What fun! No not really. There is that much thats exciting about me. Im just your typical teenager. Okay maybe not typical. But you get my drift. Im homeschooled..public school sucked for me. Its has its perks, and its down falls. But for me the perks out weigh the down falls so it all works out. Public schools were no fun for me, becuase I used to get sick all the time. I still get sick every once in a while but its not so bad now. I still have friends....sorta. Well I do. But my closest friends live kinda far away..Well Britt only lives and hour and a half away, but that can seem like an eternity when you used to live ten minutes apart. Shell shes lives 10 hours away(michigan) Ands thats just a lifetime away... its really hard. I mean I have friends that live closer, but I guess I dont really see them much anymore... I see Byron..hes my boyfriend <3 and hes great, I also see his brother Wes alot. My other friends are Ashley, Jory, Heather, Dan, Tim, Ben, and Sara(but she lives in SC thats far away too). But I hardly talk to most of them, but thats okay..I know they love me. Anyway I was talking about me..was I not. I think so..hehe..anyway.. I dont know exactly what to say about me. Im a goofball, and lately very happy. I love music..Kid Rock is my main man. But I like a little of everything. I love movies..dont really have a fave..although Crazy/Beautiful..seems to be lately. I love sandwiches all the way. They are my fave. I could live off of them, hell I practiacally do. I love to sleep....I do it alot..alot more then one person should I think. Driving is my life..okay maybe not my life, but I love to do it. Although Im accident prone..3 and less them 2 months. Uh Oh. So yes currently I cant drive. Well I can just not with out a parent. Only for a month though. I think Im going to shut up now.. but if you wana talk... IM on aim..PrincessJenasee..although I might not be on for a while...waiting for my puter to get hooked up with the interenet, and dad does have aim on his, and dont want to d/l stuff..yeah.... see ya

Things that make me happy


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