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June 24, 2003

OK.  I'm back now I really hated having to put this little project of mine on the back burner but life called me,  and when I didn't pick up it broke my down down and hauled me out into the real world, man did that suck!  But the good news is just that, that I'm back to running this site.  The bad news is that I don' have a comic for today.  Yes, yes groan and complain all you want one day we'll all look back on this and say boy that cheese was good... um, yeah, well I know I was going some where with that but now the destination eludes me.

March 25, 2003

Well my skills are improving so I hope to be putting up some improved comics in the next week or so.  For as much hard work as this is it's actually quite fun too.  I guess that's all for today so enjoy the comic and keep on laughing.


March 24, 2003

Yeah still on schedule.  all I have to do is keep making new comics and just keep uploading them.  Although that seems to be a lot harder than I first anticipated, but what you gonna do I set out to make a comic so I'll just have to stay the coarse.  Oh I almost forgot I finally broke down and got Adobe Illustrator so as soon as my skills start to improve the comic will start looking better and better.


March 23, 2003

Okay folks though my scanner is still out I'm starting to get attached to the style I get from my CG characters so I think I'm going to stick with it and see if my skills improve.  I'm also going to try to get a better program than paint to do this in.


March 22, 2003

Well, I have to say over two hundred hits in the first day has to be good.  It might not be a super duper start, but its still a start and frankly that was more than I was expecting.  Hey life is great though so guess I'll just try to see where this goes from here.  Oh by the way if your planning on starting a web comic I highly suggest getting a reliable scanner mine crapped out on me so today's comic had to be made in paint.  Its still funny but doesn't look all that good, I hope to get a new scanner soon.

*Walks off to kick the crap out of old scanner*


March 21, 2003

Ok well here it is ladies and gentle men the opening episode of Warped Minds hope you like it because it took me forever to finally get this thing running smoothly (Well smooth enough to run it at least).  I will be expanding this things soon although I'm not sure how soon.  Oh you want to know what the whole thing is about well, its about what ever I want it to be about its my strip for crying out loud.  Mostly though it will be about the crazy and insane things my friends and I do or are interested in so have fun and enjoy.