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White Lake Area Community Education

White River Lighthouse Station

(231) 893-0515
Fax - (231)-893-3621
541 E. Slocum St.
Whitehall, MI 49461

Core Principals

pushpinLearning is a life-long process!
pushpin Collaboration promotes educational excellence!
pushpinAll learners are provided equal opportunity to educational excellence!


Labeled books

The programs we offer include, adult education, enrichment , workforce development, Even Start , Head Start, tuition pre-school, the Michigan School Readiness Program (MSRP), Little Lighthouse Club, and Lighthouse Club.

Our Vision:

Community Education will improve and promote learning, personal-effectiveness and the quality of life by using the valued resource of our schools, partner organizations and communities to determine educational needs and develop quality programs and services to meet the unique needs of all learners.

Our Mission:

Graduation Items

By using the entire community, its facilities, and resources, community education provides education, enrichment & leisure activities and services. Working collaboratively with community members, community service agencies, governments, colleges, businesses, and other partner organizations, community education provides programs and services designed to improve the quality of life in our community. Our focus is on supporting and strengthening community and family. 

pushpinParticipating Consortium Public School links below:

Copyright © WLACE 2004