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Hey Baby! Of course there's a page for all the places we did at...
1. Your Bed (a lot of times)
2. Your Bathroom (a lot of times)
3. Your Bathtub (3)
4. Your Shower (3)
5. Tom's Dungeon (while people were in the dark talking) "Tom, thanks for the paper towels on the table"
6. Tom's Upstair Bathroom (2)
7. Tom's Downstair Bathroom (while all those people from Hinsdale South were over)
8. Tom's Bed (2) (while other people were in the room)
9. Tom's Parents' Bed (when people were downstairs)
10. Tom's Street (a lot of times) (they drove by a lot of times too)
11. Ben's Bed (4) (Ben and Veed opened the door once when I was giving you head lol) "Yes Ben, we had sex on your bed before you did. If you ever need a place, Tommy and me owe you, but of course u need to find a girl first" hehe
12. The Street Next To Ben's House
13. My Bed (2)
14. My Bathroom (with my mom and grandma right next door)
15. Hotel Room (with Tom next to us! lol)
16. Hotel's Bathroom (with people outside)
17. The Lane Elemetary School Parking Lot (that black car)
18. Madison School Paking Lot (that car and people running around my car)
19. CHMS Parking Lot (that white car)
20. Party City Parking Lot (cold!)
21. My Parking Lot (light!)
22. The Street Next To Your House (3)
23. 61st Street
24. Horsman's House (with Ryan sitting right in front of us)
25. Your Couch (a lot of times) (once with your parents upstairs)
26. Movie Theather (my coat)
27. 56th Street
28. Tom's Car (while he was driving in the front with Ben)
29. Ben's Car
30. Your parents' bed
31. YOUR CAR! (WOW! tons of times! once in daylight! hehe)
32. 24 hr. relay (day and nite with all those people outside! STRIP POKER! hehe)
And A Lot A Lot of Different Streets...

Here are places we want to do it at...
1. Mall's fitting Room (Wet Seal! lol)
2. Hinsdale Central Parking Lot
3. Hinsdale South Parking Lot
4. Ben's Bathroom "sorry Ben, we didn't get there yet"
5. My Shower
6. My storage room