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Sypniewskis in Greater Poland
Written and Researched by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska

The Greater Poland branch of the Sypniewski Family are of the Roman Catholic Faith.

(the information below was submitted by OrpelCh@aol.com)

Stanislaus Sypniewski was born circa 1719. He died May 18, 1769 (struck by lightning) in Greater Poland; and is buried in fornice Divinae Providentiae - "furnace of divine providence." This is what the records say. Could this mean he was cremated? Stanislaus is recorded as "being of noble birth" (1759, 1769, 1770) or "magnificent (1768). Stanislaus married Marianna Broniewska[of the Leliwa clan], also of noble birth.

Their Children:

  1. Josephus Sypniewski was born March 20, 1768. His godparents were "The very Reverend" Joannes Chociszewski ( a priest), and Barbara Ladzina of noblity.
  2. Joannes Franciscus de Paula Sypniewski was born March 29, 1770. Godparents: Reverend Josephus Boniewski, Deacon de Krotoszn, her uncle(?) and Barbara Ladzina

In reference to the above findings:

In Theodor Zychinski's Zlota Ksiego Szlachty Polkiej, Jozef was the inheritor of the property of Zmiejewa. He married Marya ? of the Prussian clan, Boguslawski. Their children were listed as Aleksander and Eleanor who died without heirs. Also Zchinski, shows Jan Sypniewski as an ensign in the cavalry regiment of Ignacy Dzialyski. Jan Sypniewski left no heirs.


Ignatius Sypniewski, was of noble birth. He died August 11, 1763 in Srem of dysentary. Ignatius had estates in Piianowo near Costen. He was an adolescent scholar in grammar school.


Petrus Sypniewski and his wife, Regina N. Generosi were of noble birth.

Their child: Petronella Margaritha Sypniewska was born May 3, 1794 in Szymonli (Tutrosin). Her Godparents: A.R. Josephus Gogolewski and Francisca Zaraczewski (name of Placzkowo).


Mattheus Skotnicki a noble, married Barbara Sypniewski (noble) on January 25, 1784 in Kobylin (sine bannis-"without permit") Witnessed by Xaverius Wyssogota, M.D.


Dominus Lazurus Pininski a noble, married Joanna Sypniewska a noble, on January 19, 1767 in Pogorzela, Greater Poland.


These records were originally in Latin, and are from the parish records of Greater Poland.


Sypniewskis from Piotrowo, Poznan:

submitted by the late Barbara House (d. Oct. 2005) on August 17, 2001