
Appearance: Predator is a very well-built ninja assassin with a dark red ninja garb. His wrist guards have long razor-sharp blades with bloodstains from previous assassinations. His eyes are slitted, and black. His mask is black, and his right eye has a deep red scar. When he finishes off his victims, he usually removes his mask, exposing long, yellow, razor-sharp teeth. His arms have implanted bone blades that unsheathe at will. He has a strong figure, and stands out from other fighters with the blades in his arms and the scars covering his body. His right arm has three long red scars, and he has the tattoo of a black skull on his upper arm. On his left arm also has a few scars, and the tattoo of a black dragon head. On his chest, which is never seen unless his shirt is ripped open or he takes it off in kombat, is the tattoo of a huge black dragon that covers his entire chest and back. On his right hand is the tattoo of a black and red yin yang, and on his left hand is the tattoo of a black skull. In his right palm is a small black hole, which occasionally bleeds on its own.

Weapon: Arm Blades (Predator only needs to depend upon the blades in his arms, and his deadly fighting skills.)


Special Moves:

Black Spear (Predator holds his right hand in front of him, and it begins to bleed slowly. Then suddenly the skin his arm ripples, like something is making its way through his veins, and the skin in his palms is pulled back as a snakelike head pokes out, and hisses. Predator pulls his arm back, like readying for a massive punch, but instead throws his arm outward, and the snakelike head shoots out, and a long black cord follows behind it. The spear chases the opponent around the arena until it hits them, and if it connects, Predator will yell, "Get Over Here!!," and the opponent will be uncontrollably pulled into an awaiting follow-up.)

Cartwheel Kombo (Predator unsheathes his arm blades and does a cartwheel, uppercuts the opponent, follows up with a massive kick to the jaw, and slashes upward across the opponent's chest, cutting a long red gash from their hip to their upper neck, and ends on their lower chin. He then flips back, kicking the opponent again in the jaw so hard that it causes them to flip backward and land on their face.)

ThE PrEdAtoR (Predator runs up to the opponent, uppercuts them, and follows up with a huge roundhouse. The roundhouse causes the opponent to disappear before the hit the ground, and they reappear behind Predator, who spins around, unsheathing his blades. He then drops to a knee, and, resembling Baraka, slices and dices the opponent. He then sheathes his blades, and gets up.)

Weapon Special Move: Blade Fury (Predator charges at the opponent, and unsheathes his blades. He slashes across the opponent's face, neck, chest, and stomach so fast that you can barely see the blades and his arms. The opponent begins to stagger around, dizzy from the loss of blood. Predator then uppercuts the opponent, teleports, uppercuts them again, and before they land on the ground, he drops to a knee, and swings his blades vertically, like Baraka in MK2. After about 5 seconds of this, he back flips, with his leg outward like a jump kick, and disappears, reappearing before the opponent hits the ground to land a perfect jump kick to the face, knocking them to the ground. This is a very devastating and deadly kombo, and takes away a very strict amount of damage from the opponent.)


Spear Slicer (This is Predator's most beloved, most brutal signature fatality. He starts it out by putting his hand in front of him, and the hole in his palm starts to bleed. Then a snakelike head squeezes out, pushing pieces of skin back. Instead of throwing the spear out this time, however, Predator grabs the spearhead and pulls it out. He uppercuts the opponent twice, unsheathes his blades, and sticks them in the opponent's gut, and throws them up against a wall. During this time all the opponent does is scream with pain. Predator removes the arm with the hole in the palm, still holding the opponent up with the other arm blades. He backs away, and makes it look like he is holding them up with his fist in their gut. Blood seeps around his fist, covering his arm and blades. Then he puts his right hand in front of him, and the palms begins to bleed. Then a small snakelike head pokes through, folding pieces of Predator's skin back. Instead of shooting the spear out, however, Predator rips his arm back out of the opponent's stomach, leaving the blade lodged in their stomach. Predator then grabs the spear head, slices across the opponent's neck and mid-torso, like Scorpion's Spear Slice Fatality in MK2, and steps back. At first, the wounds look superficial, but about 5 seconds later the opponent's head falls off, and their entire upper body falls to the ground, blood pouring onto the arena floor. He then proceeds to mark his opponent with a dragon head on their chest with his blades.)

PrEdAtOrY AsSaSsInAtIoN (Predator begins by putting his arms out at his sides like Sub-Zero in MK: The Movie. Then the blades in his arms unsheathe and he gets into his victory stance. The opponent, confused, wonders what the hell is going on, and turns their back on Predator. Just as they do this, Predator runs up to them, shoves a blade through their backbone. With his other arm he puts his hand in front of him, and his palm starts to bleed. Then a snakelike head folds his skin back, and he pulls his arm back, and throws it forward. The spearhead shoots out, piercing through the opponent's neck, causing blood to squirt out. The spearhead then rips through their chest, and comes out their back, and goes through their lower back, and comes out their stomach. All this time the opponent can do nothing but scream, since they are paralyzed from the blade through their backbone. Then the spearhead stops directly in front of the opponent's face, and shrieks. The opponent gasps, and the spearhead shoots into their mouth, coming out the back of their head. They choke, and blood pours out their mouth. The spearhead just rips out through their back, causing the cord to cut them in half. The blade is released from the opponent's back, and the spear is pulled back into his hand. Predator then proceeds to carve the head of a dragon into their chest. After this, he gets into a Baraka-like victory stance, with his blades out and in a bowing position.)

Predator vs. Prey (Predator unsheathes the blades from his arms, and rears back, and charges forward. When he gets within 4 feet of the opponent, he shoves the blades through his opponent's midsection so hard that his fists rip through their body. Predator then rips upward, brutally ripping the opponent's torso from their lower body. Blood squirts everywhere, including Predator. Predator spins around, and catches the opponent's upper torso by the throat, and looks into their weary eyes. The opponent struggles for a moment, and dies from lack of oxygen. Predator laughs, and then rips their head from their body, spine still intact, blood dripping onto the ground. He holds the head high above him, blood dripping onto his shoulder and face.)

Story: Predator is a deadly nomadic assassin, and works for an unknown man in Outworld. He is believed to be linked to Mileena and Baraka, and is thought to be their unknown son. But it is not yet known if that belief is true. He is, indeed, a great legend, and has killed many people. He has a younger brother, whom he teaches him everything he may know in the assassination book. His brother, Crimson, is just as deadly as Predator is, and can indeed put terror into anyone. But Predator has ha more assassinations than anyone, anywhere. He leaves one small mark in his opponent: a small dragon head.