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Wings! Wings! Wings!

Steve's Trade Page

Hi, thanks for stopping by my trade site. My name is Steve and I am a fan of the Detroit Red Wings. My favorite player is a former Wing, Chris Osgood. I collect current Red Wings. Other Hockey players I collect include: Osgood, Peca, Yashin, Parrish, Jonsson, Wiemer, Niinimaa, Aucoin, Snow, Isbister, Brent Johnson, Sanford, Chris Pronger, MacInnis, Tkachuk, Weight, Gaborik, Ronning, Kozlov, Spezza, Robitaille, Mario Lemiuex, Rick Nash, Federov and Potvin.


My Trade List
My Personal Collection
SCS--a COOL trading site
Detroit Red Wings
St. Louis Blues
