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New Apostolic Church Detroit Youth Annual East vs. West Football game

So I got a hold of some pictures and what I'm going to do is for the next 6 days I'm going to add a new page of pictures to the website. On the last day, a picture page won't be posted per se, but a special page will be put up in it's place. I look forward in creating this special site even better, and hope everyone enjoys this as much as I have enjoyed creating it. And so with the beginning of day 1 being today, I put up the first picture site. 10 pics, check them out.

-Joel, Webmaster

OH JEEPERS! Ok, so i'm FINALLY Updating the site. And in case if anyone didn't know the final outcome, the score was 45-0, East Detroit Wolve's victory. Now as soon as I can find the people that have them, I'll upload the game pics onto the website, for all those who want to enjoy them. Great game to everyone that played. Also, the 2 Players of the Game are announced. For the West Detroit Bears, the winner was Alex Cline. For the East Detroit Wolves, the winner was Andrew Hahnel.

The football game is less than a month away. Hope everyone is getting ready for it. More updates again today, now dealing with the East side pages, updating the roster some more. Two maps to the football field have also been put up on the Gameday page, so now everyone can find the place. Game time has been set for 1:00 PM on that Saturday.

Sorry about the tardiness on updating the website. I've been a tad bit busy and will continue to be busy with a job changeover i'm expierencing right now. I've did a lot of updates to the west side, nothing new for the east yet. I've been coding for awhile, and now I don't feel like doing it anymore at all, so you'll have to forgive me for that also. I'm outta here.

-Joel, Webmaster and Admin

Ok, so i've got some HUGE news about the site, and I mean huge. HUGE huge. Ok, enough of the stalling. Ok, so here's the new big thing. We are going to be switching over servers soon! YAY! That means more bandwidth, more storage sizes. That'll let the site run more optimized (not that anyone cares other than a select few). The bigger thing than that, NO ADS OR POP UPS. yeah, thats right, i just said no ads or pop ups. Can you say sweet with a side of awesome? Cuz that's what it is. Now this other news will get everyone pumped, because I am myself. It's the next best thing since Aunt Jemima. This has, it's very own.....MESSAGE BOARD! Can I get an Amen?! It's not being hosted by Angelfire, but another company named proboards, so you'll have to go to a different site to hit up the boards. Oh well, a small price to pay for such awesomeness. Message board link is right HERE! I will try to implement links all over the site so that you can easily get to the boards. But yeah, that's my big news. I think i'm done for the night, no updating for me, I just hooked us up with so awesome stuff. I hope everyone agrees, and I hope to chat with everyone on the boards. Let the trash talking begin! (again, keep it clean or I'll have Pr. Cline rub you out)

-Joel, Webmaster and Admin

So today I did more updating to the site. The first noticeable one, this home page. It looks prettier, and I think it looks pretty cool if I do say so myself. Next major thing changed: Team Names and homepages. You can now find both logos and team names for the East and West on their respective roster pages. Team colors are also listed there. Player profiles have been added or modified including: Luther Sly Jr, Jacob Bennett, Joel Ehrhardt, John Vovak, Andrew Hahnel. I am still awaiting profiles from everyone else. Thats a majority of the changes made, with some slight tweaking here or there. More pictures will be uploaded tomorrow night after District Choir, and i'll be busting out the camera there too to get photos of anyone i missed. Alright, everyone have a good night tonight, good luck on any finals that people have, and don't party too hard without me.

-Joel, Webmaster

Ok, so slight miscalculation on when I thought the site would be done. I guessed the 23rd, I was a tad bit wrong. At least I got my sins forgiven for that little promise I made to all of you. Alright, so I figure almost everyone that is seeing this right now either her my speech at the last Youth Choir practice, or stumbled across it via my AIM profile or word of mouth. Ok, so here's the deal. To all players, I sent out a email regarding profiles. To anyone that didn't give me their email address, guess what, you didn't get the memo. So please email me saying you didn't get it, and I'll add you to the mailing list, and get you hooked up with the information you need. Again, I want this to be going strong, cuz I don't want to be updating roster and bios on the 2nd or 3rd of June. I'll have bigger fish to fry then. But anywho, here's my email address once more. Also, if you have any comments about the site, like good jobs and stuff like that, feel free to email me then too. I'm open for suggestions, my only problem will be implementing them. Excellent. Glad we're all on the same page.

-Joel, Webmaster

Ok, so I haven't been able to update this darned thing again in a while, or at least give it a major overhaul over the weekend. I've been kinda busy, between getting my shoulder crunched and other things. That and trying to take care of a few personal problems. Well I have to go to a store meeting tonight, so maybe when I get back I'll be able to code away at this bad boy some more. This site will be humming along by the 23rd though. It'll be all set up and the only thing missing will be player profiles that I haven't recieved. I make you that promise. Now let's hope I can keep it.

Joel, Webmaster

Major update day number two. Just to let you know what I added, I put real information into the Game Day page. Also, East Side team roster page has been updated. Within the roster page for the East, I have created individual player pages. Look at Jacob's page, because it has everything in there that I want from every player. Picture, stats and such. Please, EMAIL ME THE INFORMATION SO I CAN PUT IT ON THERE. I DON'T WANT TO MAKE UP THINGS FOR YOU, BUT I CAN IF I HAVE TO. and you won't like it. Ok, i'm done, enjoy the site some more. Hoping to finish: East Side Pages, West Side Pages, and *HOPEFULLY*, a big hopefully, a message board. Peace out, yo.

Joel, Webmaster

Ok, So now that Comcast decided it wanted to work for me again, I am now furthering my work on this website. Also, for all the players that are viewing this, I would like to create individual webpages for each player. To accomplish this, I will need a photo of yourself that you wouldn't mind being on the site (preferably a picture of you in a suit, etc). You can email me the pictures at Remember, I only need one picture of each person, so make it count. I will continue to work on the Roster Pages and GameDay Pages into the wee hours of the night, so at least the links will work right.

-Joel, Webmaster


Game Day Information
East Side Team and Roster
West Side Team and Roster
Picture Page 1
Picture Page 2
Picture Page 3
Picture Page 4