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Well I thought this would be an excellent time to say hello and respond to this troublesome entry. First of all anonymous, I am not a dick, I am a man, I invented the wheel and made the Eiffel Tower out of metal and braun, thats what kinda of man I am. Second anonymous, it's OK to think that I am well, not exactly the nicest guy. Now I know you're probably one of those people who thought I was nice in the begining and doesn't understand why I make a website poking fun at the world and all it's silly inhabitants.

The reason is...why the frick not? Exactly. You can't come up with a single reason why I shouldn't. You see anonymous, we live in a world where everyone is concerned about image and what will get you noticed. Image, my forgetter of the name friend, is the reason that fake people survive in this world. Being a Christian myself, I know that at times I have put on the Christian image where I go to church, listen to the message, act like I have found some divine advice from above, go outside, stub my toe and drop an F-Bomb. This would make me either struggling with my humanity or just being fake because that's who I am really am and at church I just do what I am supposed to do. However anonymous, if you would like to sit down over some coffee and cake I would love to talk to you about God because I am a believer in the Holy Man Jesus.

So what I am trying to get at, is our society is all about image and what's cool and what's not, and I am just pointing fun at how offended people get when their image is in check. Now stop rolling your eyes because I understand that it is awful for me to post pictures of people on the internet who simply were in the wrong place at the wrong time. But sometimes, you mysterious person, you just have to learn to laugh at yourself. Honestly, you probably are one of those people who takes yourself way too seriously. You bunch up around people all the time because you feel alone and you simply don't like that. You probably feel that you have no power just in yourself, but when around you're friends, you can say whatever you want without concern. But that's ok, because some day, you will learn to laugh at yourself and you can eventually move out of the shadows of your friends. But the bottom line is : Don't mess with me. If you have a concern and would like to chat, call me, don't leave an "anonymous tip" from some "anonymous person" that "word on the street" is that Mike Forester is a "dick." Stop being silly.

Alright, with that said, enjoy the rest of the site.

The Intro for all your newcomers
The Film Page
Clan War 2004